Hello, world


It’s taken me long enough to get around to it but I finally have a small piece of the internet which I can call my own.

There’s a long list of improvements to make, things to add, and my writing is terribly embarrassing but “Done is better than perfect” and I’m embracing the Cult of Done. Previous attempts fell prey to a surge of motivation and excitement which had me diving deep on so many aspects as I came across them that I ended up lost in the minutiae in pursuit of my ideal website. This time I decided I actually need to ship it and I only need it to do two things:

  1. Have an /about page
  2. Have a list of posts and the ability to view them

Everything else can come later. Neither of them even need to be that good, they just need to be live.

Thankfully, I have succeeded. Now what?

I guess I better write something about building the site.